Ends Statement

Libertas Christian School

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.  Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.”  Galatians 5:22-26

The Mission of Libertas Christian School is to partner with parents to educate and disciple children consistent with a biblical worldview, teaching them to be lifelong learners able to discern, articulate, and defend truth in a compelling, winsome Christ-like manner.

The aim of Libertas is to graduate well-educated students of Christian families with a maturing faith in Jesus Christ and a full integrated biblical worldview. We expect our students to be:

Christ-Centered Believers who:
  • Know personally the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Develop and maintain an informed Biblical worldview that shapes their lifestyle choices.
  • Understand that purpose in life comes from being a child of God and following His will.
  • Understand and demonstrate the worth of every human being as created in God’s image.

Reflections of Godly Character who:
  • Apply Biblical principles as the foundation for moral and spiritual living.
  • Display standards of excellence in all pursuits.
  • Recognize their God-given uniqueness, expressed in their individual personalities, talents, abilities and spiritual gifts.
  • Pursue a Spirit-filled life of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.

Discerning Thinkers who:
  • Master a body of knowledge, vocabulary, and skills.
  • Appreciate the benefits of a well-rounded curriculum and understand how varied disciplines express and shape their beliefs and values.
  • Have the skills to question, solve problems, learn and master concepts, think independently and logically, and make wise decisions.
  • Actively use the tools of learning and the lens of Scripture throughout their lifetime.

Articulate Communicators who:
  • Correspond with eloquence, creativity, and persuasion in writing and in speech.
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately understand, interpret, and exchange information through a variety of socially and culturally relevant mediums.
  • Express an informed Biblical worldview in conduct and in speech.

Confident Apologists who:
  • Confidently engage in meaningful, winsome and respectful proclamation of the gospel.
  • Effectively explain and defend Christianity.
  • Possess the poise, knowledge and confidence to influence culture and society for Jesus Christ.
  • Reference and employ Scripture in decision-making, interpretation of world events and all aspects and activities of daily life.

Servant Leaders who:
  • Understand, value, and engage in appropriate social (community) and civic (political) activities.
  • Embrace and practice justice, mercy and peacemaking in family and society.
  • Understand that work has dignity and purpose.
  • Respect and submit to authority.
  • Enjoy God’s creation and live as good stewards within it.