We are thrilled to announce that by God's providence we have been able to open a couple more tables after SELLING OUT for this year's Annual Gala! There is limited time to RSVP here, so don't delay!

We look forward to an evening with best-selling author, Netflix filmmaker/producer, podcast host and Founding Director of the Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program at New Saint Andrew's College in Moscow, ID., Mr. N.D. Wilson, as he shares stories and experiences pointing to the difference a classical Christian education!  

Click the link below to learn about the Silent Auction items available that evening!

Distinctively Classical; Unapologetically Christian

Interested In learning more
about Libertas? 

LCS offers:
-2-day Jr. Kindergarten program
-3-day Kindergarten program
-Small class size
-Truth based, Biblical worldview focused learning founded in God's Word
-God-honoring teachers who share and model biblical values
-Only multi-denominational Jr. Kindergarten - 12th-grade classical Christian school in West Michigan
-Three languages taught: English, Latin, Greek
Libertas is Intentionally Classical:
Regardless of their learning style, children learn in three phases; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Like filling a warehouse, the mind is filled with all things true and good and beautiful in every subject. This type of education creates an appetite for a lifetime of learning. The classical approach teaches students to learn and think for themselves.

Libertas is Vibrantly Christian:
Impact through Biblical worldview brings about a transformation of hearts and lives.
-Chapels led by local pastors and spiritual leaders in the community
-Mentoring focused house groups. Libertas house system blends 7-12 grade students encouraging peer mentoring, camaraderie, and friendly competition.
-Sports coaching emphasis on Kingdom building

We look forward to meeting you as you prayerfully consider your children's schooling.
What is Classical Christian education all about? Watch this video to dive into the immense value of classical Christian education!
Libertas Christian School, in alignment with like-minded families, exists to cultivate wisdom and virtue in the souls of our students in order that they will love what is true, good, and beautiful through a distinctively classical and unapologetically Christian paideia.   
The vision of Libertas Christian School is to prepare graduates who think soundly, reason persuasively, and articulate precisely a biblical worldview, thereby transforming culture through wise and victorious living in the service of the triune God and their fellow man.

Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.  Psalm 111:2